
Osborn Metals’ bilan carbone® (carbon footprint)

During the traditional QSE-DD club organized by the CCI Seine-et-Marne, this time having the theme of decarbonization, Osborn Metals has had the pleasure of being invited to give feedback to the participants on its bilan carbone® (carbon footprint) carried out in the beginning of the year by EKODEV and Alexandre TRAUTMANN.

Our testimony is a fair return since this carbon footprint was co-financed by the CCI Seine-et-Marne !

Anaël BERAUD and Alexandre CARCENAC from the EKODEV reminded us of the climate issues that it is urgent to face and highlighted all the advantages and benefits of carrying out this audit in companies.
During this meeting, Osborn Metals was able to highlight the actions, more especially on decarbonization, undertaken following this audit and the gains already observed.